Sunday 6 December 2009

Arctic Isle - 8x10

It snowed here last night and my cold has moved into a sinus infection as of this morning - so much for my cockiness that I had beaten my cold! This picture has a different kind of chill. I am also posting a better photo of the marina picture; one that was actually taken on a sunny day.


Kelley Carey MacDonald said...

Well, I hope you're feeling better, Patty, you're about the 3rd blogger I've seen in an HOUR that's feeling under the weather. No escaping it this month, just hope it arrives and doesn't make you miss a party or something!

These two paintings are wonderful. I particularly like the dock, and the composition of the painting!

Jo Ann Elig said...

I think you need rest and a good book for now. Get better.

patricia walsh said...

Hey you guys, thanks. I am no worse so that is good and it's kind of nice to be able to go to bed (a luxury I have been eternally grateful for since my retirement) but I still hate it. Hope neither of you get this and I am glad it should be over in time for Christmas.