Wednesday 26 March 2014

to the bay - 18" square

I figured I had better get posting a bit more! I just started this one from a plein air study I did years ago along with some photos I took at a different time of the same spot. Believe it or not the color that is predominant in my mixing is cadmium orange. I think I have it roughed out pretty well and hope to finish it before the paint loses it wetness and I have to put it aside for a bit...................this will be complicated by the fact that I am doing my yearly accounting blitz in preparation for tax prep. Damn, I tell myself to do this earlier every single year! 

Tuesday 25 March 2014

memorial award - Spring Show BAA 2014

This 12" square painting won a memorial award at the recently ended Beaufort Art Association's 2014 Spring Show. I ordered the French doors for my studio this morning............I am getting really excited about the studio renovation and ordering the doors made it seem real somehow. Also, a group of us at BAA have begun a plein air group and met for the first time this past Monday - we had a great time and it was fantastic to be painting with a group again! I have such great memories of the Westport Art Group (WAG) plein air group and it amazes me how long it has taken for me to feel like I completely live here now. I guess two years isn't all that long but it makes me realize how deep our roots go and how disruptive relocating is.

Saturday 22 March 2014

the gardener - 14x18"

I began this painting as a demo at the Beaufort Art Association's Spring Show and am nearly done with it - unsure about the yellow flower in the front. I have decided that 18x14" is my new favorite size canvas. Spring is kinda-sorta here in SC though next week looks rainy and cold again! I am still trying to finish larger pieces and squeezing plein air time in as well so I haven't had much to post recently. In addition to that, I am experiencing an extreme aversion to the internet which I must get over............I don't know if others feel that as well but I have to literally force myself to log on! I won an award at the show and will post a photo of it when I get the painting back.