Sunday 22 November 2009

feed the blog

I read this term on another blog and it is totally true. Normally it isn't a problem when you paint every day but occasionally one has a spell where nothing clicks or you just cannot post what you are working on. I have painted outside for 2 straight days with not much to show for the effort. So (out of pressure mostly) I am posting what I did today since the upcoming week might be difficult - I am cooking and going to Maine for Thanksgiving.


Kelley Carey MacDonald said...

Having had a couple of wiping-off days myself, I completely get it. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

smalltownchic said...

I like the abstract look of this. I know what you mean. Somedays I have to force myself to do a picture and a post. But other days, it's so easy. Have a happy thanksgiving and tell Brendan hi for me.

patricia walsh said...

Thanks Kelley.......oddly enough I came home and am being productive! You have a wonderful T-day as well.

Sarah, thanks, I like parts of it as well but it doesn't hold together. I will say hi to B and you have a happy day as well. Tell Damien to go to:

That is the seitan recioe I use and it's wicked easy!