Saturday, 30 August 2008

portrait study

We had a rainy day today - not what was fore casted but a nice surprise. I went to the farmer's market in Tiverton and bought some interesting looking heirloom tomatoes and set up a still life. Of course it's not done yet but it's nearly done and I expect to finish it tomorrow. I am enjoying the variety of reds/salmons and yellow-orange-ish green and it expands my color mixing skills. So, tonight I will post an 11X14 portrait study. It looks like it's clearing and the morning will be nice to go to Seapowet......I can't seem to stay away from the place. Then I will finish the still life in afternoon light. My home is very cramped and I find it difficult to set up objects to paint but I am working on that since winter is coming and I seem to want to paint all the time now, more than last year where I allowed daylight to limit me.

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