Tuesday, 21 October 2014

time flies!

I was pretty shocked when I realized how much time it had been since I posted..........especially since I've actually been painting a lot. It has more to do with the way I have been painting - Instead of concentrating on studio/completed things, I have been working outside and not worrying too much whether I finish something in a day or have to wipe it down. The top, unfinished plein air (16x12") is an example. This spot is about 30 miles from my house and I totally love painting there.....the light and the tides change quite quickly so doing a painting at that size pretty much ensures more than a day's work. I did go back 2 days later and found that the height of the water was reflecting a completely different light pattern. I will keep this one in my car so, it will be available the next time I paint there or the conditions seem worth making the trip.

The bottom picture (also 16x12") is completed.............I returned to the spot for 2 days and then finished it in the studio from memory. I'll try not to let time get away from me again this month!

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