Monday 18 June 2012

two things

I am nearly done with the figure painting but have to let it set up for awhile...........what seems like dry paint is actually quite wet and doesn't handle at all like oil paint on canvas. The other painting is the first day of a plein air and is a view from Lady's Island toward Beaufort across the intracoastal waterway. A really great thing about living here is that you can pretty much count on a having a similar weather day in the near future so you can work much larger and take two days on site. I won't be posting for the next week or two since I have to go back to NY to do the final cleanup of my Dad's house (which has sold - thank goodness!)............ I am unsure of exactly how long the process will take. Both paintings are 14x11" and on birch panels.


David Wigginton said...

Hi Patricia,

Really beautiful painting, very inspiring.


patricia walsh said...

Thanks David...........hoping to finish it this week.