Wednesday, 13 October 2010

figure study

This is obviously unfinished (and won't be) but I liked elements of it so I thought I would post it. I spend Wednesday mornings at the Westport Art Group life session and, most of the time, wipe off what I have done. I have had a similar approach to plein air work this summer..............the sense that I am figuring something specific out rather than attempting to complete a finished/stand-alone painting. Sometimes a finished, frameable painting results but that hasn't been my goal. Monday I spent several hours painting at Fogland Beach and then wiped it all down - what I was attempting to do was not compatible with a compositional goal so I collected the knowledge and called it quits so I could return to the studio.


Susan said...

A really like how this is turning out.

patricia walsh said...

thanks - I often wipe my figure/nudes down. Love doing them though!