Monday, 9 February 2009

brizo DO mar - sold

I realized that I spelled the title of my former post incorrectly! At any rate, I finished this picture and started another. We had such a windy Sunday that, despite temps in the 50's, I was unable to set up and paint was definitely progress though and gives one hope.


Kathy Weber said...

Nice scene, great light. Maybe we could get a group together to go inside!

Janette Jones, Studio California said...

This is really a nice one, Patricia! I like your little paintings, they really tell a story:)

patricia walsh said...

Thanks Kathy and Janette.....Trust me Kathy, it's creepy but it does make me wonder about what exactly does go on in there.

Kelley Carey MacDonald said...

You did such a nice job with this, Patty. When I was growing up in Fall River, this is what a 'bar' was - and I definitely do not recommend you patronizing it! When I went to college and my friends wanted to go to 'bars' I was amazed and horrified, and refused to go with them. Only after moving to Boston did I ever understand that a 'bar' is a different place outside my hometown!

Kelley Carey MacDonald said...

Yeah... Kathy... you definitely do NOT want to have a drink in these places - there is no resemblance to the bars that you paint!