Friday, 30 January 2009

still life

I am getting into this practice of still life again...............funny how I manage to channel myself in one direction or another and forget how much I enjoy subject matter I have not done for a while. I suppose that is what keeps art so interesting. No heavy message here, just really thinking about how the colors work and how I can learn to mix and combine them to the best advantage.


Jo Ann Elig said...

Hi Patty,
Love those lemons. I have been in a slow down right now and need to jump start again. I think I will do some still life studies also. Thanks for the inspiration.

patricia walsh said...

Thanks Jo Ann.........jump start is a good analogy. Sometimes all it takes for me is mixing a color on the palette. Isn't this cold just awful? I freaked out when I got my gas bill last week and vowed to turn the thermostat down below 60 but I just can't stand it.......stay warm and motivated.