Tuesday, 6 January 2009

more work and a better photo

I am really enjoying this picture............I worked on it for much of today but most of that work was adjustments in value and temperature and then adding layers in the complicated areas of brush. I began another snow picture as well (maybe a photo tomorrow?). At least this photo is better since I had the foresight to take the picture before it got dark.


Alex Perez pintor contemporaneo said...

patricia, thank you for stopping by my blog and for your nice comment and questions, I really dont know much south amrican artists with blogs or website in English, I will check it for you.
You are welcome to visit us anytime.
wish to you a great year 2009.

Kelley Carey MacDonald said...

Wow. Unlike me, the more you 'work' on it the better it gets. I can't believe how great this is - It should be in American Art Collector Magazine!

patricia walsh said...

Gee, Kelley, thanks.......and thank you Alex. Happy new year to you as well.