Saturday, 18 October 2008


I have been working on some stuff inside the last couple of days as well as experimenting with painting on panels.............the panel is so incredibly different from canvas. I wiped two off but am beginning to get the hang of it - the paint doesn't seem to adhere as well as to canvas. I am posting a "start" today, it's a view from my porch down the street to the bay. It is very hard to get a picture of this because it is quite dark and it is very hard to mix darks in the dark. This picture seems blurry but using a flash was even worse. To produce a "satisfactory" painting every day is a discipline and probably not practical unless one stays in the "safe zone" and doesn't try new things. I think that the real fascination of painting is the learning of how to express things better and more meaningfully - so here is today's product (warts and all).

1 comment:

tbradley said...

i think it looks really evocative (blurry but evocative.)i can barely brush my teeth twice a day, let alone finish a painting!