Thursday 1 September 2011

hot sand - 8" square

Using my iphone really is a pretty good camera but can be pretty unsteady. Now that I have done so much packing and have decided to rent a storage unit until I move, I don't feel like the task is quite so impossible. So, I feel that I can allow myself to paint everyday again as long as I achieve certain "moving goals" each day. Of course this might change depending on trips to NY and unexpected snafus in the process but I am feeling less stressed about the packing. I can't wait to find a place in South Carolina!!!!


Anne Winthrop Cordin said...

Love your work and will miss you in Rhode Island. Where in SC are you headed? We have a place in Hilton Head. Take those painting sanity breaks-we need 'em!

patricia walsh said...

Charleston but I am also looking at Savannah.........the tax structure is actually better in GA. I will miss RI and my friends here but I do want to be closer to most of my family.